• Maintain a positive mindset.
  • Affirm to yourself, “I will give my best effort on this test.”
  • Ensure a restful night's sleep beforehand.
  • Wake up early to avoid rushing through preparations.
  • Have a nutritious breakfast (and lunch if the test is in the afternoon).

  • Stay composed and attentive to instructions.
  • Read each question and all answer choices carefully.
  • Remove obviously incorrect answers.
  • Solve problems using tools like paper, pencil, calculator, or manipulatives.
  • Compare your answer to the choices provided.
  • Manage your time. If a question is challenging, consider skipping it temporarily and returning later.
  • Note that question difficulty may not follow a pattern. Don’t assume subsequent questions will be as hard if one is difficult.
  • Test creators use common mistakes to create distractors, so finding a similar answer doesn’t guarantee correctness.
  • If uncertain, try these strategies:
    • Eliminate obviously wrong answers first, then decide among the remaining options.
    • Review all answers carefully before revisiting the question. Clues may emerge from the choices.
    • If stuck, move on and revisit the question later.
    • When unsure, make an educated guess. Answering all questions is crucial.

  • Before submitting your test, review it thoroughly.
  • Change an answer only if you have a solid reason.
  • Generally, stick with your initial choice.
  • Ensure every question has a marked answer, even if guessed.

If you have any test-taking tips to share, please post them in the comment box below.

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